The second office building in the "My Prenzlhain" project was handed over to the Federal Association for Life Aid.

Affordable living and working space and ideal company location
At the end of February 2020, the second office unit with approx. 3,600 m2 Gross floor area officially handed over to the new owners. the Federal Association of Life Aid e.V. established its new office here.
Not quite two years ago we celebrated the laying of the foundation stone for two of the three office buildings of the “Mein Prenzlhain” residential and commercial building along Herrmann-Blankenstein-Strasse. In October 2019, the first unit with approx. 5,700 m2 gross floor area to that BTZ (Berufsförderungswerk Berlin-Brandenburg e.V.) and moved in shortly thereafter.
The 3rd and last part of the office building with approx. 11,000 m2 Gross floor area was sold to institutional investors BlackRock Real Assets sold, who will rent out the office space. Earthworks are currently beginning here and the excavation pit is being excavated. This office building is also to be handed over at the end of 2021, along with the “Mein Prenzlhain” district development with a total of approx. 42,000 m2 Complete gross floor area.
The three office buildings of "Mein Prenzlhain" offer the ideal conditions for the perfect office location in the middle of the city. In addition to BlackRock, we are proud to have won two important social organizations in the city of Berlin for the development of the district.
The last approximately 90 rental apartments were sold to the institutional investor Aberdeen Standard Investments Deutschland AG. The structural work on the apartments is in full swing and is expected to be completed by the end of May 2020. At the beginning of 2021, these apartments will be available for rent.