Flood in Germany!
cds Wohnbau donates to families who lost their homes in the floods.

Andauernde Regenfälle und heftige Unwetter haben im Juli 2021 im Westen Deutschlands Zerstörung hinterlassen. Hilfsorganisationen im Bündnis „Aktion Deutschland Hilft“ sind seit Beginn der Extremwetterlage im Einsatz, um Hilfe zu leisten und Spenden zu sammeln.
The cds Wohnbau Group responded to this call and provided 5,000 euros to help where there are gaps in government funding and where the insurance cover for the affected families, who have lost all their belongings - their home - overnight, is not effective.
"The visible damage from the flood disaster is already immense and cannot be compared to anything I have ever seen in Germany," says Manuela Roßbach, Managing Director of Aktion Deutschland Hilft. The willingness of the people to provide help is impressive and inspires confidence.
Please donate too! Your help arrives.
Donation account:
IBAN: DE62 3702 0500 0000 1020 30
Bank: Bank for Social Economy
Key word: ARD/ flood
"Action Germany Helps" is an association of 23 German aid organizations, including action medeor, ADRA, Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund, AWO International, CARE Germany, Habitat for Humanity, HELP - Help for self-help, Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe, Malteser Hilfsdienst, World Vision Germany, Der Parity (also active: Arche Nova, Federal Association of Rescue Dogs, Friends of Waldorf Education, Hammer Forum, Handicap International, Help Age Germany, Children's Association Global Care, LandsAid, SODI and Terra Tech)