In Hamburg-Jenfeld entstehen im neuen Stadtquartier Jenfelder Au rund 140 neue Mietwohnungen. Versorgt werden sie mittels eines innovativen Energiekonzepts. Jetzt wurde Richtfest gefeiert.

The joint venture partners OTTO WULFF and cds Wohnbau Hamburg have completed the shell of 140 new rental apartments and commercial spaces in the new Jenfelder Au district. The topping-out ceremony was celebrated on Thursday. The two partners are developing and building 9 residential buildings with a total of approx. 12,000 m² of living space on two construction sites in the middle of the quarter. In addition, 4 commercial units with a total area of approx. 840 m² will be built on the ground floor.
The joint venture commissioned a total of 4 Hamburg architects' offices to plan the 9 houses: KBNK Architekten, APB. Architects, LRW architects and urban planners as well as bof architekten. This collaboration resulted in a diverse and sophisticated architectural planning that will be reflected in the new city district.
Rental apartments for singles and families
"We are very pleased to be able to offer all target groups, from singles to large families, a new home with our attractive residential and commercial ensemble in the middle of the Jenfelder Au with our new rental apartments from 55 to 165 m². The new residents are expected to be able to move in at the end of 2022,” says Frank Gedaschko, Managing Director of cds Wohnbau Hamburg.
Alle Wohnungen werden nach Fertigstellung von der Aberdeen Standard Investments Deutschland AG für einen von ihr gemanagten Immobilien-Spezialfonds übernommen und vermietet.
Innovative energy concept
Most of the apartments are connected to the HAMBURG WATER Cycle® waste water concept. “The black water from the toilets is collected and converted into electricity and heat energy within the district. The less polluted gray water from the shower or washing machine is cleaned and drained into local waters," explains Stefan Wulff, Managing Partner of OTTO WULFF.
Around 370 parking spaces for bicycles and 99 car parking spaces will be created in the underground car park. In addition, all buildings are constructed as KfW efficiency houses according to standard 55.
More condominiums and townhouses are being built
In the immediate vicinity of the rental apartments, OTTO WULFF and cds Wohnbau are also building another 48 condominiums (53-141 m²) and 10 individual townhouses (110 - 130 m²) with their own garden. These are expected to be completed in the first half of 2023. Sales are already underway. Interested parties can find more information at
About the Jenfelder Au district: The largest urban development project east of the Alster is growing in the south of the Hamburg district of Wandsbek. In the coming years, several hundred apartments will be built on the 35-hectare site of the former Lettow-Vorbeck barracks. More than 2,000 people will live here - in affordable individual townhouses and in apartments.
About OTTO WULFF: OTTO WULFF schafft Lebensräume, die Menschen glücklicher machen – und das schon seit rund 90 Jahren. Das in 3. Generation geführte Familienunternehmen entwickelt, baut und betreibt vielseitigste Immobilien: von Wohnhäusern bis hin zu ganzen Quartieren, von Schulen bis zu Bürogebäuden. OTTO WULFF realisiert als Bauträger eigene Projekte, baut als Generalunternehmer aber auch für externe Bauherren. An drei Standorten in Hamburg, Berlin und Leipzig beschäftigt OTTO WULFF mehr als 600 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter. In seiner Heimat Norddeutschland gehört OTTO WULFF heute zu den führenden Bauunternehmen und Projektentwicklern.
About cds Wohnbau: The cds Wohnbau group of companies based in Berlin, Frankfurt and Hamburg has been successfully developing and marketing residential projects since 2002. Creating sophisticated residential ensembles for more quality of life and sustainable value development in attractive locations is the focus of the commitment. cds Wohnbau has developed into an important and stable property developer in Germany over the years.
Visualization: © Lindenkreuz Eggert GbR, architect kbnk Architekten GmbH
Photo:© MARKENWERT/Pia Demirayakli I 26.10.2021 I 26.10.2021 I 25.10.2021 I 25.10.2021 I 22.10.2021 I 22.10.2021