On August 18, 2022, cds Wohnbau Frankfurt invited its employees to the 20th anniversary of the cds Wohnbau group of companies in the new headquarters in Frankfurt. Our meeting the next day was crowned by a boat tour on the Rhine and a hike through the vineyards. After almost 3 years of Corona break, all 3 branches - Frankfurt, Berlin and Hamburg - enjoyed the social meeting and took the opportunity for a lively exchange. In the new Frankfurt office at Kaiserstraße 35, which was presented to the impressed Berliners and Hamburgers for the first time, we presented the cds founder and namesake, Mr. Schmidt, with a very special new employee – the cds housing bear painted with cds projects. Unfortunately, there was no space for any of the projects on the Buddy Bear, as the cds group has implemented more than 72 projects with 2,950 apartments, houses and commercial units over the past 20 years.
And it goes on! We are looking forward to it.