Dunkelziffer e.V.

For 25 years, the association Dunkelzeich e.V. has been helping sexually abused children and their confidants.
Around 14,000 cases of sexual abuse of children are reported in Germany every year. The number of unreported cases is still estimated by experts to be at least tenfold.

The second Christmas donation from cds Wohnbau Hamburg this year goes to the association Dunkelzeich e.V., which does great educational work and offers help and protection for those affected.

Dunkelziffer e.V.

Child abuse was a social taboo in 1993, the year of the establishment of Dunkelzeich e.V., also due to the work of the association, the topic has become more public today and more is being done to protect children. However, it is still difficult for girls and boys who suffer sexual violence to find help. Shame, self-doubt and fear of not being believed keep them silent. Because the perpetrators disguise themselves well and usually reject any suspicion. A child still has to turn to an adult up to seven times to finally get help.

Dunkelziffer Logo

Dark digit e.V. helps the victims, their families and persons they trust. There are free therapy places for affected children and young people, and legal guardians are given advice and support. With a wide range of age-appropriate preventive measures, unreported cases protect girls and boys in kindergartens and schools. Professional advanced training courses are offered for adults who may come into contact with the subject professionally.

In addition, intensive public relations work raises the awareness of society and politics that sexual violence against children - something "which actually can not be" - is unfortunately everyday life in Germany.
