Strong Bonds Foundation

Care, security and affection...

Stiftung "Starke Bande"- Spende cds Wohnbau GmbH
Stiftung "Starke Bande"- Spende cds Wohnbau GmbH

When Annika Fink founded the “Starke Bande” foundation in 2010, she wanted to do something to counteract the suffering. "There are great offers that protect children outside the family, but little that protects them at home." That is why she decided to send therapists directly to the families. There, in a protected space, they get the help they need. Her team includes several psychotherapists and two managing directors with a therapeutic background. Together they have established a close cooperation network with the youth welfare office, the baby guides, women's shelters and mother-child stations. Municipal institutions, for example, refer clients to the “strong band” and the therapists there refer them to a day clinic, for example, if treatment with medication is necessary.

In the ten years that the "Strong Bande" has been helping, almost 300 people have undergone therapy there, and around 25 families can be cared for every year. But the need is far greater. Half of the clients are single mothers, often from difficult backgrounds. According to Fink, the women often made progress after the therapy: they started training and got their high school diploma. The foundation wants to make this possible for many more people. (FAZ.NET, 19.10.2020)


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"Help for families in need and those at risk of suicide" by Theresa Weiß and Matthias Trautsch, FAZ.NET vom 19.10.2020.