That was World Down Syndrome Day 2019
On March 16, 2019, Lebenshilfe Berlin celebrated World Down Syndrome Day in the Labyrinth Children’s Museum. The aim was to make children with Down syndrome visible to the public.
And that's a complete success! Well over 600 small and large explorers with and without disabilities cavorted at the thirteen hands-on stations.
A RBB team filmed the hustle and bustle and sent the message "Children with Down syndrome are children like everyone else" in the late edition of the evening show.
The event had a serious background. In April, the German Bundestag discussed the approval of prenatal blood tests for Down syndrome and other chromosomal changes as a health insurance benefit. People with disabilities and their parents are concerned that the tests will discriminate against people with disabilities even more.
In an interview with RBB, Ivonne Kanter, the second chairwoman of Lebenshilfe Berlin, summed up the problem: “Today we sort out people with Down syndrome. Who do we sort out tomorrow?”
Lebenshilfe would like to thank the Children's Museum, Aktion Mensch and cds Wohnbau for their support.