A Christmas trip around the world

Since 2011 we have been sending Christmas cards to our customers and business partners on the subject: "We can do that too!". We compare mankind's buildings or natural phenomena with our architecture and philosophy and send a greeting card from all over the world every year.


Sonnige Weihnachtsgrüße vom Meer

Früher Sandburgen, heute die solide Traumimmobilie –  Wünsche können die Basis für inspirierenden Wohnungsbau sein. 

Trotz anspruchsvoller Zeiten konnten wir als verlässlicher und beständiger „Wunscherfüller“ auch in 2024 weiter
Visionen in echte Immobilien verwandeln und Träume verwirklichen, damit aus einem Wunsch ein Zuhause wird.

Wir bedanken uns herzlich für Ihr Vertrauen und die 

Zusammenarbeit in diesem Jahr und wünschen Ihnen 

frohe Weihnachten sowie ein erfolgreiches Jahr 2025!

Das cds Wohnbau Team

Die höchste Sandburg der Welt stand in Duisburg im September 2017. Fast 17 Meter hoch war die Burg und rundum mit  bedeutenden Bauwerken verziert. 3500 Tonnen Sand wurden verarbeitet.

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Weihnachtsgrüße von Zuhause

das eigene ZUHAUSE ist der Ort, an den wir jeden Abend zurückkehren; er ist ein Teil unserer Identität und ein Ort vieler Erinnerungen und Emotionen. Wir schaffen ihn, verändern ihn und passen ihn unseren Wünschen und Bedürfnissen an.

Die cds Wohnbau freut sich, ein Teil dieser Verwirklichung sein zu dürfen und ist stolz auf 73 erfolgreich realisierte Wohnprojekte.

Dafür möchten wir Danke sagen und freuen uns auf eine weiterhin erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit.

Wir wünschen Ihnen frohe Weihnachten und einen guten Start ins Jahr 2024.

Das cds Wohnbau Team

Der Nestbautrieb ist ein Ur-Instinkt. Das sogenannte «Nesting» findet auch in der Tierwelt statt. Das Textorweber-Männchen legt sich beim Bau von kunstvollen Hängenestern mächtig ins Zeug, um seine Angebetete zu beeindrucken. Ist die Henne zufrieden, sorgt sie für die passende Innenausstattung.

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Christmas greetings from Frankfurt

The new Buddy Bear colleague has strengthened our team since the 20th anniversary of the cds Wohnbau Group. It was presented in Frankfurt by all colleagues and artistically embodies the success of the cds. That had to be celebrated properly. All three locations used the time together for extensive discussions and gathered strength for the challenges of this time.

We wish our customers and business partners a peaceful celebration and lots of energy for the coming year.

Your cds wohnbau team

Buddy Bear Berlin also celebrated its 20th anniversary. In 2002, Eva and Klaus Herlitz were guided by the idea of bringing art to the streets of the metropolis and invited artists from all over the world to design a bear for their country and exhibit it in Berlin. Many other bears followed and have shaped the cityscape ever since. Today, the Buddy Bears are the unofficial symbol of Berlin and are even known beyond the city limits.


Christmas Greetings from Toronto

Creating something new while preserving the old, filling the tried and tested with new ideas and thus opening up new perspectives has been a special concern of the cds Wohnbau Group for almost 20 years. Our new office in Frankfurt in a listed Gründerzeit building in the middle of the ultra-modern skyline of Frankfurt symbolizes this idea.

We look forward to continuing our good cooperation and wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2022.

Your cds team

The Gooderham Building (commonly referred to as the Flatiron Building, also in reference to the New York building of the same name) is a red brick building constructed in 1891 and is located across from the St. Lawrence Market Halls at the eastern end of the Financial District, where after 1793 the first Houses in the then newly founded York (then name of Toronto) were built.


Christmas greetings from Singapore

In these times of special challenges, we would like to thank you for your trust in our group of companies, whose strengths result not least from the three cornerstones of Berlin, Frankfurt and Hamburg. Let's take the thought of mutual help and support with us into the contemplative Christmas season. We wish you a happy holiday. Stay healthy. Your cds team
The National Gallery in Singapore, which opened in 2015, shows over 8,000 works from Singapore's national collection. It is one of the world's largest and most valuable collections of modern art from Singapore and Southeast Asia from the 19th century to the present day.


Christmas greetings from Vietnam

For more than 17 years, the cds Wohnbau Group has been successfully bridging the gap between the wishes of the customer and the structural implementation by us and our renowned partners - a partnership to which we feel committed.

We would like to thank you for the trust you have placed in us and wish you a merry Christmas and a good start into 2020.

Your cds team

The snail is the master builder of her own house and makes sure that her house grows with you. Through the deposited lime filtered from the food, their little house is formed coil by coil. The snail retains this ingenious ability for the rest of its life. If there is any damage to the house, she repairs small holes with the help of limescale secretions.


Christmas greetings from the meadow

We haven't yet developed a take-away home, but we have developed numerous stable and innovative residential areas in the metropolises of Berlin, Frankfurt and Hamburg. The world is changing rapidly and new living ideas are in demand. We look forward to future challenges.

We would like to thank you for the pleasant and constructive cooperation and wish you a merry Christmas and a good start into the new year full of innovations and new developments.

Your cds team

The snail is the master builder of her own house and makes sure that her house grows with you. Through the deposited lime filtered from the food, their little house is formed coil by coil. The snail retains this ingenious ability for the rest of its life. If there is any damage to the house, she repairs small holes with the help of limescale secretions.


Intergalactic Christmas Greetings from Mars

We do not know when and if people will ever live on Mars. However, it is certain that we were able to create a new home for many people in our regions on good old earth in 2017. That's our pleasure. We wish all our partners who were involved and all our customers who placed their trust in us in 2017 a Merry Christmas and all the best for the coming year.

Your cds team
The Dutch foundation Mars One wants to send the first settlers to Mars in 2025. The goal is to establish a permanent human settlement on the red planet. The places are coveted: more than 200,000 interested people have applied. After personal discussions, 50 women and 50 men were able to qualify for the next round - including three Germans.


Crackling Christmas greetings from Schweinfurt

Who doesn't like to use the contemplative time to recharge their batteries? In some of our projects, the cars can now too! And all this with a suitable connection on every parking space as standard.

We wish you a sizzling Christmas season and a happy new year 2017.

Your cds team

With around 550,000 lightning strikes in 2015, only half as many lightning strikes were registered as in the severe weather of 2007, when there were around 1.1 million.Schweinfurt became Germany's lightning capital in 2015. 4.5 lightning strikes per square kilometer were counted there.


Christmas greetings from Amsterdam

Living space can also be created in small areas, as this map shows.

We try to use the available space optimally in our projects.

We wish you a Merry Christmas, good luck and success in 2016.

Your cds team

The ring of canals in Amsterdam is dotted with unusually narrow houses. At just one meter wide, the house is barely wider than its own front door and is often referred to as the narrowest house in the world.


Christmas greetings from Machu-Picchu, Peru

Even the Incas had a good hang and a flair for beautiful views.

We also rely on the advantages of special locations. Mainly in the metropolises of Berlin, Frankfurt and Hamburg.

We wish you a Merry Christmas and good luck and success in 2015.

Your cds team

Machu Picchu is a well-preserved ruined city in Peru. The Incas built the city around 1450 at an altitude of 2360 meters on a ridge in the Andes. The city comprised 216 stone buildings located on terraces and connected by a system of stairs.


Christmas greetings from Andros island

With this Christmas greeting, we would like to say a heartfelt thank you to our business partners and customers, who have once again supported us this year in finding individual solutions to challenging tasks.

We wish you a Merry Christmas and good luck and success in 2014.

Your cds team

The Tourlitis Lighthouse (Faros Tourlitis) was built in 1897 on the rock of the same name in the port bay of the city of Andros on the Greek island of Andros. The location on an isolated rock is unique in Greece. It can only be reached via a staircase carved into the rock.


Christmas greetings from the Great Wall

The Chinese are proud to have created a millennium structure with the Great Wall.

We are proud to be able to look back on a project volume of around 1,500 residential units in the 10-year history of cds.

We wish you Merry Christmas and good luck for the year 2013.

Your cds team

The Great Wall of China is a historical border fortification that was intended to protect the Chinese empire from nomadic equestrian peoples from the north. Its construction was begun in the 7th century BC. According to the latest surveys, it extends over 21,196.18 kilometers.


Christmas greetings from the pyramids

4000 year old traditions that have stood the test of time should be continued.

We do it. Stone by stone, house by house.

We wish you a happy holiday season, good luck and success for 2012.

Your cds team

The pyramids of Giza in Egypt were built between 2620 and 2500 BC and are among the most famous and oldest surviving structures of mankind.